Saturday, March 14, 2009

Keep up the good work!

CFMT Family:

I just wanted to take a moment to say keep up the good work. I am proud to say that we have the best CrossFit affiliate in Middle Tennessee. What makes us great is you guys...our Crossfit family. Some of our members have been with us since our George Patton days in the parking lot. It's crazy to think how far we have come and how far we will continue to go. With our you, Stephen ,myself, Julie, Stu and Nikki would not be able to enjoy the success of CrossFit MT. Even though I am only in the gym on a limited basis, I still want our family to grow and continue to achieve elite fitness. Thanks again guys and look for more great things to come. Let us know if there is anything you need or anything we can do.

Coach Morris


Stu@CrossFitMT said...

how about a reach around???

Mike Sarabia said...

you still owe me one!!