Friday, October 23, 2009


Federico “Rico” Borjas, who was killed on October 16, 2008 while on patrol in Afghanistan.

For Time:

50 Push Ups

20 Hang Cleans

50 Pull Ups

20 Push Press

50 Sit Ups

20 Push Jerk

50 Wall Ball Shots, 20#/15#

20 Deadlifts

50 Air Squats

1 mile Run

(RX 135#M / 95# W)

This WOD comes from CrossFit Fire Base

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Training for Races CFMT Style

Hey guys,

Many of you have asked me about training for races (5k's, etc.)If we can get enough people together, I would like to have a group of CrossFitters run the Country Music Half Marathon next year. The training would be CrossFit based (of course) and would start in Jan of 2010. If anyone is interested please let me know and we can start preparing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hero WOD “Rico”

October 17th, 2009

Honoring our friend, Federico “Rico” Borjas, who was killed on October 16, 2008 while on patrol in Afghanistan.

For Time:

50 Push Ups

20 Hang Cleans

50 Pull Ups

20 Push Press

50 Sit Ups

20 Push Jerk

50 Wall Ball Shots, 20#/15#

20 Deadlifts

50 Air Squats

1 mile Run

(RX 135#M / 95# W)

This workout is from CrossFit Fire Base in Orlando FL. CFB represented in the Oktoberfest Games 2009.

Friday, October 16, 2009

500 M Row
Push-Press 21
350 M Row
Push-Press 15
250 M Row
Push-Press 9

Male 135lbs
Female 95lbs

Sunday, October 11, 2009

CrossFit Endurance for the Tactical Athlete

This blog is geared towards the Tactical Athlete,( Military,LEO,Fire). These professions all have very demanding jobs that require a high level of aerobic (with O2) and anaerobic(w/out O2) fitness. A good example of a tactical athlete is a police officer. A police officer may be required to go from an environment of sitting in a patrol car for x amount of hours to a dead sprint. The police officer needs to be conditioned to react to sudden changes in his or her surroundings without hesitation. The globo gym model of running endless miles on a treadmill followed by performing three sets of biceps curls for ten reps is an incomplete program. This kind of programming does not prepare the Tactical Athlete properly. A Tactical Athlete's primary concern should be performance, not how good their physique is. CrossFit provides constantly varied movements in an ever changing environment. CrossFit pushes the body both mentally and physically. CrossFit programming is the ideal solution for the Law Enforcement Officer. CrossFit Endurance focuses more on the Metabolic Conditioning of an athlete versus CrossFit. My goal with CrossFit Endurance Middle Tennessee is to also provide Tactical Athletes with programming that will give them an edge in the real world.